Fire destroys car, melts siding in Otho

-Submitted photo
Flames leap from the engine compartment of a burning car Sunday night in Otho. The fire at 417 N. Highway St. was reported at 8:11 p.m. The fire destroyed the 2009 Hyundai and melted some siding on the garage, according to Otho Fire Chief Marty Smith. He said the car was parked when the fire ignited.
-Submitted photo
Flames leap from the engine compartment of a burning car Sunday night in Otho. The fire at 417 N. Highway St. was reported at 8:11 p.m. The fire destroyed the 2009 Hyundai and melted some siding on the garage, according to Otho Fire Chief Marty Smith. He said the car was parked when the fire ignited.